Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Good and the Bad

The Good:
Farewell Parties! Mer and Mom threw us a great party to set us off on our new adventure. We had lots of people show up, ate lots of good food, and had lots of fun. We also got some great gifts (which were not needed), but the best one had to be this scrapbook that Tami made me. We have been friends since 7th grade, and she made this great book of all our memories throughout the years. It was awesome and made me teary eyed. It was so nice to sit with some of our favorite people and visit before we leave this weekend. My aunt and grandma even came from like 3 hours away. Very nice. Thanks Mer and Mom for such a great night. We love you.

The Bad:
My internet decided to go out TWO days before I was done using it. This normally wouldn't be a problem because I could live without blogging and facebook for two days, but now I work from home and this pretty much ruined my day. Stupid ATT morons. They were going to expediate my service repair to Thursday around noon. I would pretty much be done with working for the week by then. Again, MORONS. So we just took my work station to my parent's and I will be camping over there for the next two days working. Bah, stupid, stupid ATT. As you can see, I'm not quite over the incompetence that is ATT internet. I will NEVER, EVER, EVER give them another chance. EVER.

So anyways. We are almost all packed. We have some wonderful friends and volunteers coming on Friday to help, and Saturday we will be living in Austin. Crazy. I don't think it's hit me yet that this is it. No more DFW. Yikes. Time for new adventures!


Kiera said...

We were hoping to see you before you left! Good luck with everything! I didn't realize you were leaving so fast! I hope you guys love Austin!

JA and co. said...

I'm glad you got to have a goodbye party...those are always fun :). Good luck with the move tomorrow!

Meredith said...

I'm so glad y'all had a good time at the party, we had some seriously yummy food there! And I'm so happy that so many of y'all's (yes, that's perfect English!) friends could come wish you well. We'll see ya tonight for some more good times - or not so good times, whichever! :)