Friday, February 5, 2010

In your opinion....

Okay, so we've filed our taxes now and thanks to Uncle Sam it looks like we might be able to get that dining table after all (Yay for the whole new homebuyer credit thing). But, I have a problem. There are like three that we like. So why not throw it to the bloggers for a little help. Which of these tables do you like and why....

I realize that they are all similar but at the same time they are very different. I'm leaving the details out so as to not form any sort of bias. So, let me know what you think and thanks for the help!


Crysta said...

I like the first one the best! I like the look of the chairs better, more modern. I am not sure I like the different colored top to the table in the third one, but I like the thing underneath. I think the slats on the chairs in #2 and #3 are too much, when empty they look well too busy. The chairs in #1 and table are modern yet sophisticated. There is my bid, but all would be gorgous in that new home!

Kiera said...

I like the first one best.

Meredith said...

I like the first one the best, the chairs on the second are weird to me and the third just looks to heavy or something. My advice is buy the least expensive...once you have kids your table is just going to get the crap beat out of it anyway! Thus our piece of junk that we can't get rid of just yet! :)

Adrienne said...

Bah, I agree with all comments. I really like #1, which is from Walmart's Canopy collection if you can believe it. Mer- it's not the least expensive but it is made of the same stuff my desk is and I think it is sturdy. P.S. As it looks, we will never have kids, so we only have to worry about us scratching it :) and Heath likes number 2 (he says because of how it looks, but I think it's because it's the cheapest). It is from Sams. And the the third is from Costco and the most expensive. Thanks for the help ladies.