Monday, September 22, 2008

Hook em' Horns!

So we finally got to go to a Longhorn game. It was against Rice though, so what does that mean....boring, boring, boring. It was still fun though. Our hotel was horrible though. We must have stayed next to smokers on a "non-smoking" floor and the smoke would seep into our room every once in awhile and it was sickening. We walked the campus and Heath got see the School of Architecture. We had a lot of fun. Thanks mom and dad for inviting us!
I was sick the whole weekend though. I think it is bad allergies/sinuses from the storms that came through with the Hurricane because I've had a headache for about a week now.
That was pretty much our weekend. Next weekend we'll be at the make up game against Arkansas, so that should be fun too.
Hope you all had a fun weekend! Love you!


Adrienne said...

Man I say "though" a lot.

Meredith said...

I was just thinking that same thing - about 'though'!!!! Hee hee, you're so funny! Have a great trip (again) down to Austin! One of these days we need to have y'all over, you know, when you're actually in town and we're not sick!!! :) Have a fun weekend, we love ya!