Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Update

League went well on Thursday. Davy ended up leaving our team so he could start one with his girlfriend so we were pretty bummed about that considering our team won last year. There are a lot of new people and it is a little bigger so it should be fun. I got a 147, 137, and I can't remember my last game but it was pretty bad.
The concert was great on Saturday. Maroon 5 played for way too long and the Counting Crows played way to short. Personally, I think it is way below CC's to even play with someone as horrible as Maroon 5. But all in all it was a great time.
I realized fun pictures would be good for blogs like this (especially to apease all of my eager readers, you know, all three of you), but I always forget to take pictures or load them. Sorry! I'll try better!


Jenny said...

I would have to agree with you about Maroon 5. I mildly like some of their stuff, but CC is just fantastic. I want to go to a concert sometime, but I took Forest to one last year and he won't go again, it took too much out of him I think!

Adrienne said...

Yah,honestly, I don't really enjoy concerts that much anymore. They are loud and the people are annoying, but it is nice to hear your favorite bands live sometimes.

The Chaffin's said...

We live in a house for right now. There's spiders, ants, flies and anything else you can think of all over. It's sometimes really gross!!

Jenny said...

We went to a concert last summer for one of our favorite bands, Vnv Nation. I wouldn't even know how to classify them...I wouldn't call them "goth", but most of the people who were there were very goth. We stuck out like sore thumbs. Anyway, it was very very loud but thankfully the crowd was relatively small which makes it much more fun. We stood in line for an hour and a half, then once we reserved our place in the hall (practically on top of the stage) we waited another hour, watched the crummy opening band for an hour, waited another hour and then Vnv played for two hours. We were SO tired, but we got to meet the band afterward and that was amazing, so it made all that standing around worth it!