Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mourning the good life.....

So we are officially P O O R. We are giving up our satelite subscription (no more cheesy CW shows or The Office :( ) and trying to find other ways to help save money also. It is sad saying goodbye to the life of "luxury" we've grown used to, but alas it must be done.

In, we celebrated Heath's 25th birthday last weekend (true belated style due to tests in school) by going out to eat with my parents at OTB (On The Border) and had some cake at home. It stinks when you get to the age where you need to use birthday gifts for bills, no fun. Thanks Mom and Dad Breinholt and Barnette from Heath for wonderful gifts!

Next week, among many other celebrations (like Thanksgiving and the Texas/Texas A&M game) Heath and I will be celebrating three years of marriage!

I am so grateful to have such a loving, wonderful husband. I just love him to death and can't wait to see what the future years hold for us. Thank you honey for being my best friend, the love of my life, and the best darn husband ever! I love you!

Happy Belated Birthday Heath and Happy Early Anniversary to us both!

Hope everyone is safe over the holiday week and Go UT! Beat them Poor Aggies!


Meredith said...

Happy belated bday from us too! We will celebrate on Saturday from what Ben tells me! It's funny (not really funny, but you know) to hear what y'all are doing now with Heath back in school, we've been living that way the entire time we've been married because of having only one income and being in school the first 4 or 5 years - welcome! :) It's interesting to see how you can stretch your paycheck, you'll be surprised!

JA and co. said...

Welcome to the life of only having 10 channels! It's a good life, to be sure :). And happy 3 year anniversary!

Jenny said...

That means I'm older than Heath! I thought for sure he was Forest's age. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, two wonderful things to celebrate around Thanksgiving.

As far as giving up the good life, I completely understand what you are going through. Forest lost his job in 2005 and we gave up everything for him to go to school. A few months after he got his new job they laid him off too. Two months later he was picked up by who he's working now and if he had still been working for the previous company, who knows if he would have been able to take the offer. We're in a much better position now! If you are ever in the mood to watch something silly, feel free to take advantage of cable. :)