Friday, February 27, 2009

Updates! Colleges, Moving?, and Jobs Oh My!

Well Heath finally applied to UT and UNT last week. He received a letter this week from UT stating that all his classes would not transfer and that he was short of being considered a Transfer Student. That's the bad news. The good news is that they're allowing him to turn his transcript in after this semester to still be considered. This makes me think two things:

1. They are actually considering him because otherwise they probably would have just sent him a denial letter.
2. I think they really are looking to see how he will do in his Physics and Calculus classes since they are two of the prereqs they look at (the other one is Chemistry which he did great in) . He is currently doing awesome in these two classes too! Yay Heath!

So we are going to have to wait until May/June to know if he gets into UT. This throws off most of our plans considering I was becoming quite comfortable with staying here, but I am always up to UT and Austin. I practicaly grew up there via Longhorn football and my brother lives there so it would be great. But again I would be okay with UNT considering my job is here, our friends and family (most of them :)) are here, and I know the area like the back of my hand. So we are just waiting to find out and the great thing is that we would like either option so it is a win-win situation.

As for other news, I was afraid to blog about this, in fear of jinxing it in some sort of superstitious way, but I am currently interviewing with HCA for a better job oppurtunity. I had the initial interview on Wednesday (which I thought went well), and tonight I have the coding test. It is for a Coder II position and I would get to work from home. Not only that but it offers better pay, better benefits, and just pretty much everything better. I am really hoping this works out because it would be perfect for us. If I got this job, even if we did move to Austin, I could still work for them since it is remote (from home). I love most everything about my current job but this one just offers a better situation for our future. I'll keep you posted on how everything goes. Wish me luck!


Kiera said...

Good luck with everything! You guys have a lot of big changes happening! I hope everything turns out for the best!

JA and co. said...

UT rocks! Oh, and good luck with your coding test :).