Thursday, July 23, 2009

The New Adventures of Xhaxhi and Halla

Okay, okay I know everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for an update. All three of you at least :). We are officially Austinites, and it feels great (minus the whole missing everyone is DFW part). But honestly, we are enjoying being here so far, and if you haven't heard from us much, it is because we are trying not to focus on all that we miss back in Fort Worth. Not to mention, we are still unpacking. So the trip down was pretty uneventful with a few hiccups and highlights. Thanks to a lot of great help Friday we got everything into the truck and were ready to go Saturday morning.

Saturday morning we shifted a few things so we could fit all the people (and pets!) into my mom's convertible (brilliant I know). So during this overhaul of the moving truck my mom manages to misplace the keys to her car-you know the one parked in front of the driveway, the one we were driving down to Austin, and the one that doesn't have another set because a long time ago they hid them from us and now can't find them. Hehe. Luckily my dad had a valet key so we were able to use that, and so later than expected we started our trek down to Austin. About 5 minutes on the road my mom says in her best worried voice "Oh my gosh, the truck is open" and starts pounding on the horn to warn my dad. I look at her puzzled and say "Are you talking about the picture....that is PAINTED on the back of the truck?" She calms down, realizes her mistake, and we laugh...a lot. In fact, many times on the trip we continue to laugh about that, and will for many years I am sure. Hehe love yah mom.

We got there and started unloading, and unloaded, and unpacked, and unpacked some more. And we are still unpacking. But things are coming together and we really love the apartment. Mom and Dad helped so much and we are really grateful for all they have done for us this move. Thanks for your hard work and for your contributions to making our apartment feel like home. Love you guys.

So that's pretty much it. We are just getting settled in and enjoying getting to know our new area. We miss you guys and hope all is well! Come visit soon!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, we found the keys, in the truck, as we were unloading. :)


Kiera said...

Glad you made it down safely! Good Luck with everything!!!

Little Blue Family said...

Wonderful! I am so glad you made it there without any major problems! Haha, I laughed at your mom too just now, that is priceless!

Meredith said...

Miss ya, love ya!!!