Friday, October 15, 2010

ACL= Pure Awesomeness!

The Eagles in all their magnificence!
All 80,000 people at the festival. It was crowded, but fun!

Last weekend was the annual ACL (Austin City Limits) Festival. This equals 3 days of music (70 bands!) in Zilker Park, and I got to go to Sunday's festivities with my dad and brother. The Eagles were playing and if you know anything about my dad you know that he loves him some Texas Longhorn football and he loves him some Eagles. I grew up watching The Eagles Live in Concert: Hell Freezes Over DVD over and over again(although when we were younger it was a VHS :)). So we spent the day lazying around eating good food and listening to great music and then it was time! Time for some Eagles! It was an amazing concert. They are so good live and I've never seen my dad happier. It was great having my dad here for the weekend. I watched a lot more sports than I ever would, but it was nice just spending time with him.


Meredith said...

So jealous! I bet that was awesome, my Dad would have loved that too!

Adrienne said...

Okay, I'm beginning to think our dad's were separated at birth!

JA and co. said...

Glad y'all had fun! I, too, grew up on Hell Freezes Over...good times, good times. (It also would have fun amazing to see Muse close out.)

Oh, and so sorry you were sick for so long! Throwing up all day for long periods of time is no bueno. Hopefully they gave you something to help!