Thursday, June 26, 2008

Go Mean Green!

Well it's been awhile since I've posted and a lot has happened! Heath got into school at UNT and he starts this Fall in the School of Engineering. Yay Heath! We are all moved in to the apartment (Ally and all!). She loves living with us and we love having her with us....unless she barks! I started my new job and am loving it. It didn't take me long to get used to their programs and so things are going smoothly. I miss Amy and other aspects of my job at HEB, but I really like coding and working here. Everyone is really nice. Well, that is all I really have to say right now. I am really tired but things are good. Hope everyone is doing well. Love you.


JA and co. said...

Yay for engineers!! They're so handy...

Meredith said...

Way to go glad that y'all are close by again, well for now at least! :(