Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A new place and a NEW JOB!

So things have been pretty busy around here lately. The Breinholt's came down for Mallory's baby blessing and stayed for a week. Heath and I were busy with work and getting things ready for our new apartment. Yep, we finally moved out of the old parent's house and into our own place again. We LOVE our apartment. It is so nice. It is the next best thing to a house for us. We also had to buy a couple of new things. We got a washer and dryer, a vacuum, and a new mattress (our other one got mold on it from storage!). So it has been an eventful, yet expensive last week for us. We are still unpacking and trying to give everything its place but we are really enjoying it. I'll put up pictures later. And in other news.....The job hunt can end! I have been interviewing with Presby Denton Hospital for the past 2-3 weeks and yesterday they called me back with a job offer. Of course I don't know what it is yet because I didn't get the message until late last night, but it looks like I'll be starting my new coding job on the 16th (that is when they signed me up for orientation). Life is just great right now. I am almost afraid to say that in fear that we've hit our blessings quota for the month and are due for a trial soon or something, but honestly we have been so blessed lately. We truly know that Heavenly Father hears ours prayers and knows our needs. We also know we are blessed because we pay our tithing. We are just so grateful for all that we have and all the people we have to share it with. We have such wonderful family that support us (even when we go out and buy a huge TV) and that love us. We love you guys too! Hope all is well with everyone. We miss you Utah Breinholts and hope your trip back was safe!

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