Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ode to the Blog

Blogs are an amazing thing. They allow us to see further into one another more than normal. I'm what some would call a "Blog Stalker". I creep around, read posts, and sneak away unnoticed. I've been thinking today about the fact that we don't really know the people around us. We may think we have them all figured out, but we don't. I guess I am reflective on this today because there are some people in my life who seem easy to categorize, to stereotype, or to place blame on. But really I don't know what is going on with them, what they are going through, what they've been through. So I guess I am thankful for blogs and the oppurtunity they give to us to see a little deeper into the lives of those around us and help us to be a little more understanding.


Meredith said...

Good point! I'm not a blog stalker but I'm grateful for my friends who have blogs, it's fun! AND you learn all sorts of things about other people that you otherwise wouldn't know! Looking forward to seeing y'all tonight.

Ames said...

Very well said. I'm still trying to fiigure out this whole blog thing but I think I could get into it. By the way I miss you! Come back to work! :)