Saturday, March 15, 2008

Still waiting...

Well I haven't heard anything about the job I applied for. I am hoping that is just because they received my application close to the weekend. Last night we had some friends over and played games. It was alot of fun. It's a bit odd inviting your friends over to "play" at your parent's house, but they are pretty laid back about it all, so that makes it nice. I'm really excited because I have next week off. Off from school and and off from work(It is our Spring Break!). It will be a nice, much needed break from the craziness that is life right now. I only wish that Heath could have gotten off also because he is working hard too, but he still has to go to work. I know he knows this, but I am so grateful for him and his diligence in working hard for us. He is such a hard worker and is working in a field right now that he has no desire for, just to help us out. So thanks poopydoodles :)! You're the best!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

aaaah, way to go poopadeedoodah! He is a trooper, I bet he's as glad as you are that you're almost done! :) Hope we'll see you guys at Church before we leave, love ya!