Saturday, March 8, 2008

To Albania or Bust!

Yep, you read it right! It says Albania. Heath and I have decided to take a little vacation in between his semesters of school to Albania. Why you ask? Good question! To most, it seems like quite the strange place to go on vacation to, but to my husband it is like his second home! He served a church mission there for two years and fell in love with all things Albanian! He came back from Albania in 2005 and has been missing it ever since and begging me to go with him ever since we've been married. So alas, I have given in and since this is probably the best time in our lives to go (no kids yet, money saved up, and we have the time!) we are going! I mean this is for real, I got my passport and everything, and we are extremely excited to go. But it is not all exciting....because I am claustrophobic! Yikes! I can barely stand the flight from DFW to SLC to visit Heath's family. I usually do okay for a while and then I realize I am in the air in a tiny capsule called an airplane with no way of going outside and breathing fresh air and then I silently loose it! I say silently because I am too self conscious to actually be histirical on a plane, but my heart does beat faster and I do get that sick feeling in my stomach of doom! So yah I think I am going to have to get over that little obstacle considering I will be on a plane for over 20 hours! What was I thinking agreeing to this?! hehe. I am actually really excited. I've never been out of the country before and I am really interested in seeing where Heath served and meeting some of the people he taught and made friends with. What a wonderful oppurtunity! So that is the big news in our lives right now. Now what else is going on....
I have been trying to eat/drink healthier so I have given up all sodas. I get way to much sugar from them and they really bog me down so it is my first step to being healthy! I haven't drank one soda in 9 days now! That is really good for me! I mostly drink water, milk, and juices and my absolute favorite is the Strawberry Lemonade at On The Border! Juices still have a lot of sugar, but they are better than sodas in a lot of ways! I have also been eating better. So hopefully this kick will help me exercise and do other things to keep my body healthy. I've just noticed some changes in my body and I want to nip them in the butt before they get bad.
A funny story to go along with that.....At bowling on Monday, I think I was on Day 4 or something on my "no soda" rule and I was HATING it! I have to work before bowling and so usually I am pretty excited about bowling, but tired from work. So what do I do....go and get a giant Dr. Pepper to help me get some "energy". Well this week I got a giant water! It just wasn't the same. I bowled a 101 which is horrible!! But I didn't give in and get my favorite drink, DP. It is hard to make changes in your life......especially if there are temptations around every soda with my meals at work, seeing other people order your favorite soda at the table next to you, and living with parents who stock about a million cans of the stuff in their garage fridge......ahh the misery. But man do I feel better now that I've stopped!
Other news..
I am starting to apply for some coding jobs at some local hopsitals. There are a couple openings where Ben and Heath work but because I am family it might be hard for me to get one there and then there is one opening at a large hospital (Harris) in downtown Ft. Worth. I like "working" where I "work" now but I am considered a Temp and don't get any of the benefits of a a real hospital employee (that's why I put work in quotations). It can be frustrating sometimes and plus I went to school to code so I really want a job doing that. So hopefully one of those will work out.
I guess I'll add a little tid bit about the huge amount (disclaimer*for Texas) of snow that we got on Thursday! It was amazing....except for the part when I had to drive in it and it took me an hour and a half to get home (It took Heath 3!). Silly Texas drivers! Ally (our dog) had lots of fun prancing around in it and was really confused when a falling snowflake would hit her. hehe it was cute! All I can say is snow in Texas = no school and no work! So hooray! Heath enjoyed his night off from school on Thurs. and I enjoyed mine on Friday!
Hope you guys are having a Merry March like us! Love you!


Kiera said...

Albania!! Wow that will be fun! you will have to let us know how that goes! I bet those tickets are expensive!

Meredith said...

Ya, have a great time on your trip! I have to say that I'm laughing a little inside because I don't really know what it would take for Ben to talk me into a trip to Brazil. LUCKILY we could never afford it but really, weird food, dirt, HEAT, etc. I totally wouldn't be able to handle it! But you can just eat suflaces all day - I'm jealous. Except you'll have to say 'without the cucumbers, tomatoes, sauce, etc' and they'll look at you like you're crazy!!! I'd kindof like to be a fly on the wall for that. But really, it'll be fun, you're way more adventurous than me! :) Thanks for coming over last night...