Saturday, March 1, 2008

Warning: This Blog is Boring!

I cannot think of anything interesting to talk about this week.....Honestly all we do is go to school, work, and sleep. I think someone else said on their blog that they needed to have a baby or a pet to have something to talk about. Well I have a pet Schnauzer named Ally and I've figured out she's as boring as us! She pretty much lays around all day and sleeps. We did have a fun night with our friends Joey and Kira Perkins. We played some Wii and ate at Babe's Chicken (yummy, I know all you people living outside Texas are jealous about that :) Monday is Bowling League night for me. Yep, I'm a bowling nerd and I LOVE IT! I used to bowl leagues with my brother when I was younger but stopped when I got in high school and college because I didn't have time. Well my brother was on this Christian League in Watauga and one fo his friends on the team was moving out of state so they needed someone to take her place, so I did. Then he got a new job and had to move back to the Austin area so we had to find another player, and now Joey is on our team. The other two players are Matt's friends Davy and Spencer (they're brothers) and we all have tons of fun. Heath and Kira (Joey's wife) usually come and support us and it's nice to have something like that to do to take my mind off of everything else I am doing right now. Last week I told my team I had a feeling I wasn't going to do very well and Joey, trying to motivate me, said "You're going to bowl your highest game tonight!" and I DID! I bowled a 170 which is pretty good for these punny arms. So this Monday is Bowling Night and I am excited! Well hopefully I will have more to talk about soon! Love you all!


Meredith said...

Yay for bowling! Syd STILL is talking about our afternoon out to Main Event, although I think the most fun for her was dancing under the disco ball!!!! Ha ha, I still giggle when I think about little dancing queen. Good luck on Monday!

Tara said...

YAY FOR BOWLING! hahah I just realized that MEredith said that...sisters think alike I guess! :) I'm thinking about taking a bowling class in Fall semester for fun...i need to boost my skills. After playing wii all the time, I get depressed when I only break 100 by like 10 points. haha. Good luck tomorrow!!

Adrienne said...

Thanks guys! Love ya'll!

JA and co. said...

Way to be a good bowler! I think I might have broken 100 once...yikes! I figure if I can't bowl well at least I can entertain everybody else with my stellar skills. I hope today went well for you!